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Why Your Feedback is Making Things Worse

  Feedback can be a powerful opportunity for growth in your company, but if done insufficiently it can be detrimental to progress. Leaders dread giving feedback, but your employees are actually craving it. If you fear giving feedback, it will show. You shouldn’t be afraid to hurt your employee’s feelings. If your feedback is useful, constructive and…

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How You Should be Managing Millennials

  Millennials have been characterized as stubborn and independent, making them difficult employees to manage. In a multi-generational workforce, it can be a challenge to conquer the miscommunication that can occur. Understanding that millennials have the same goals and want to succeed just as much as you do is the first step. Millennials are bound to ask the…

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Why Your Company Needs Meetings

  Whether you’re a small or large business, holding regularly scheduled meetings is crucial to your success. Meetings will help improve overall communication in a way that emails and phone calls can’t. Meetings also provide a good opportunity to address issues. They’ll also ensure that the problems are resolved, so that they do not continue to come…

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